Sponsorship requests

Businesses, associations, local councils and not-for-profit organisations that deliver significant initiatives and events that benefit Queensland can apply for sponsorship from the Queensland Government.

Sponsorship is the purchase of rights or benefits to associate the sponsor’s name, products or services with the sponsored organisation’s service, product or activity in return for negotiated and specific benefits such as cash or in-kind support or promotional opportunities.

Sponsorship opportunities

Sponsorship opportunities must provide a reciprocal benefit to the Queensland Government and the opportunity to leverage the initiative for the benefit of Queenslanders.

Applications will be assessed for their alignment to current government objectives; strategic merit; and economic, social, environmental, cultural and resource viability of the initiative. Consideration will also be given to local needs, emerging issues, and alternate available sources of funding.

Events and initiatives must not be reliant on Queensland Government sponsorship. No applicant can be guaranteed sponsorship funding nor can any applicant be guaranteed to receive the full amount requested. Sponsorship from the Queensland Government is provided on a one-off basis and should not be relied on for the continuity of your event.

Sponsorship is different to grants (where there is limited provision of benefits to the Queensland Government). If your organisation is interested in grants, direct funding, individual assistance, donations, special payments and concessions, view grants and assistance programs.

Applying for sponsorship

Applications seeking funding under $10,000 (GST exclusive) should be submitted eight months prior to the initiative, noting it can take four months to receive a formal outcome to your application.

Applications seeking funding over $10,000 (GST exclusive) should be submitted 12 months prior to the initiative.

Please note, these are recommended timeframes however applications can be submitted at any time.

Applications will only be accepted online.

To progress your application, you will need to address questions about :

  • your organisation and its capability to successfully deliver the initiative
  • the initiative details (including consideration to gender and cultural diversity; Queensland suppliers, talent and produce; and environmentally sustainable practices)
  • contingency plans for any unforeseen changes
  • the initiative’s alignment with current government objectives
  • other approached and confirmed sponsors and event partners
  • your budget and any financial considerations
  • entitlements and leveraging opportunities for government
  • marketing and communications strategies or plans

Sponsorship opportunities take time to assess and if successful, to develop and negotiate benefits and outcomes. If your organisation is successful in securing sponsorship funding, it is important that there is sufficient time to develop a sponsorship agreement, with mutually agreeable benefits to ensure  both parties can leverage a successful partnership.

Sponsorship funding will be distributed in accordance with the Queensland Government Sponsorship Policy(PDF, 321KB). Achievement of milestones, as agreed in the sponsorship agreement, will need to be met before payment can be made. Should these milestones not be met by the specified date or level, the Queensland Government reserves the right to revoke or amend the offer of sponsorship funding.

The outcome detailed in the formal response letter to sponsorship applications is final and will not be further reviewed by the Queensland Government.

Apply for sponsorship $10,001 or more

Apply for sponsorship up to $10,000

Contact details

For further information, contact Events and Engagement, Department of the Premier and Cabinet: